Deep-South clarifies Technical disclosure
Vancouver, B.C., Canada – February 17, 2023 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSX-V: DSM) announces that, as a result of a continuous disclosure review by the British Columbia Securities Commission (the “BCSC”), the Company is issuing the following news release to clarify its disclosure as it pertains to its Technical Report entitled […]
Deep-South closed $695,000 of a non-brokered private placement
Vancouver, B.C., Canada – February 14, 2023 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSX-V: DSM) announces that it has closed the second and final tranche of its previously announced non-brokered private placement (the “Private Placement”). In the first tranche 4,200,000 units (each a “Unit”) and in the second tranche 9,700,000 Units for a […]
Deep-South will close an oversubscribed non-brokered private placement
Vancouver, B.C., Canada – February 6, 2023 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSX-V: DSM) announces that it will close a second tranche in an oversubscribed non-brokered private placement. The second tranche will be closed for an amount of $490,000. A first tranche totaling $210,000 has already closed. The first tranche comprised 4,200,00 […]
Neque gravida in fermentum et. Et netus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae et leo duis ut diam quam. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est. Viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis. Neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero. Sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur purus. Aliquam malesuada […]
Deep-South will close $210,000 of a non-brokered private placement
Vancouver, B.C., Canada – January 26, 2023 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSX-V: DSM) announces that it will close a first tranche in a new non-brokered private placement. The first tranche will be closed for an amount of $210,000. The offering will comprise up to 10 million units at $0.05 per unit […]
Deep-South has completed a soil sampling program on 2 of the Zambian projects
Vancouver, B.C., Canada – January 9, 2023 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSX-V: DSM) announces that it has completed the soil sampling program on the Luanshya West project and on the Chililabombwe project. The program on the Mpongwe project has been postponed to 2023 due to difficult weather. The program completed: Luanshya […]
Haib Copper: the High Court postpone the verdict to February 23, 2023
Vancouver, B.C., Canada – November 16, 2022 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSX-V: DSM) announces that the High Court of Namibia has postponed the verdict in the case to review the Minister’s decision not to renew the Exploration and Prospecting licence (“EPL”) to February 23, 2023. The judge is using the limit […]
Deep-South starts soil sampling on the Zambian projects
Vancouver, B.C., Canada – NOVEMBER 9, 2022 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSX-V: DSM) announces that the Environmental Project Briefs (“EPB”) submitted to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (“ZEMA”) have been approved. The team started mobilizing on Tuesday November 8 and will start the soil sampling program on the three licences. The […]
Deep-South updates copper exploration projects in the heart of the Zambia copper belt
VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 18, 2022 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSXV: DSM) provides projects update on the exploration programs on the exploration licences in Zambia. On July 6, 2022, Deep-South announced the closing of an option agreement to acquire up to an 80% undivided interest in three copper Large Scale Exploration Licences (the “Licences”) in the center […]
Haib Copper final hearing held on October 3, 2022
Vancouver, B.C., Canada – October 4, 2022 – Deep-South Resources Inc. (“Deep-South” or the Company) (TSX-V: DSM) announces that the High Court of Namibia hearing of the review of the Minister’s decision not to renew the Exploration and Prospecting licence (“EPL”) was held on October 3, 2022. The judge indicated that a written judgment is […]